HSB Effect ___________________ Version 1.0, Effector Set I (v1.0) ___________________ Media Lab Xtras ___________________ copyright 1997, As Is Software, Inc. Effect Symbol: #hsb _Properties__________Type______Value___ #animMode symbol #static, #range, #infinite, #pendulum #numFrames integer 1+ #hueShift integer measured in degrees, 0 is no change #satShift integer -255 to 255, 0 is no change #brightShift integer -255 to 255, 0 is no change #startHue integer measured in degrees, 0 is no change #startSat integer -255 to 255, 0 is no change #startBright integer -255 to 255, 0 is no change #endHue integer measured in degrees, 0 is no change #endSat integer -255 to 255, 0 is no change #endBright integer -255 to 255, 0 is no change #easeIn integer frames #easeOut integer frames #forceHue integer 0 to 360, absolute, 0 is red #forceSat integer 0 to 255, absolute #forceBright integer 0 to 255, absolute Technical Support E-mail: xtra-help@medialab.com www.medialab.com